Revamping My Blog

Hello all,

Sorry, I have been gone so long, but a lot has been going on in my personal life.  This Winter was really an eye opener for me as a back yard gardener, I took a lot of losses and that kind of made me lose focus on what my purpose was in the garden. But, it took me going through a slew of new hobbies and not really getting the fulfillment from that I needed as I did being in nature I was forced to return back to something that I loved. But, this time with a renewed love for it and hopefully a better game plan.

I decided that I needed to revamp my garden space and start working on areas that were not conducive to the zone that I was living in. Zone 9b, is a really good zone for growing, but that does not mean that all things grow here and I have to really check out my climate and my yards climate and start to make a different plan on the types of things that I want to incorporate into my garden.

Most of my tropical’s that I planted in past seasons did not do well with the extreme cold snap that we had in Phoenix Arizona this last season. Since I am on a budget I can not afford to just go out and buy a large assortment of the larger size trees, I have to take my time and work with the smaller varieties. I had a large variety of trees in place, but they were no match for the cold. My Carrie Mango tree died almost instantly.


( Tropical Pink Guava Tree after this winter in Phoenix, Arizona Zone 9B)


I had three healthy Mexican Papaya trees and they did well all the way till the last day of the cold snap. I lost one completely, but the other there are showing signs of making a recovery with buds at the base so we shall see. But, I will not be replacing the mango and probably will not put as many tropical’s in my yard for fear that the Phoenix Sun can be brutal and the Winters are really hard to predict. My Guava tree took a beating this Winter as well, But it still has a little green on it so I am hoping that it will bounce back and I will keep you guys posted on its well-being. You just have to do too much babysitting for me and I want something out there that can acclimate to the environment and become sustainable in the garden.

With all this being said, I will be back to posting regularly on this blog and might even add in video and more in-garden information. I have missed being in the garden and I missed speaking to all of you.  See you soon.

Finalizing 2019

Good Morning Loves,

I am up early this morning, about 3:45AM to be exact because I had to take my daughter to work, but also because I had a lot of things on my heart & mind today. I have been contemplating a lot of different ideas in my time away and also have been trying to put the final touches on my 2019 content line up. My blog will be interesting come January because it will be slightly different content on display. For the most part I will be increasing my gardening and plants section of my blog, but also adding a few other topics in relation. So let’s chat about a few of the changes.

First, JahTarUrbanGarden, I will be getting a little more personal with you guys and taking you into the garden with me a little bit more. I plan on doing a blog refresh first quarter of the year adding video and more interactive features. As I start building on the garden in an effort to get my certification, I will be doing a lot of DIY’s and a garden space revamp. So stay tune for all those events. Also I plan to showcase more indoor garden spaces as well.  I just recently received a subscription to a succulent box so I will be adding those into my plant space as I received those monthly. This year I plan to be a little more hands on, a little more chatty and a tiny bit more adventurous.

Second, Planning & Crafts, I have finally finalized my 2019 planner line up, so I will be bringing that to you in another post. But, it is pretty simple, not as extravagant as some of these other planner babes with 5 & 6 planners. 2019 is – “keep it simple” for me. I will tell you that there will be a huge concentration on my journal section and how that relates to my spirituality, fitness, gardening and so much more, so stay tuned for that post as all the pieces come together (Hopefully in time for January 1st) I will bring you that content and may include a flip through.

Last and not least let’s discuss Fitness & Wellness, as I travel through my spiritual journey I have been struggling with the concept of living a minimalistic holistic lifestyle and how that relates to my health. I am a spoonie and have been battling a few ailments health-wise for a long while now, as you already know. My weight has been a constant issue in conversation, not only for me as it relates to this blog, but during doctors visits as well. Considering the current state of my health and all my triggers, I feel it is only right to adjust my lifestyle and my relationship with food. I will be carefully watching what I eat, prepping more and adding in more activity, carefully monitoring my limitations. I want to add this portion to my blog as well because this is going to be a journey or transformation so to speak. Getting into the right state of mind plays a significant role in your over all well-being. So I will be including a few new self-care routines and some healthier wellness rituals. It is important for me to start to learn more about herbal medicine and rely less on big pharma. Big pharma is a large touchy topic for a different day so we will just move along. Just know I am finally ready to head in a different direction concerning my health and wellness. With all that being said; I need an accountability partner and I was hoping that you would take the offer and come along for the ride.

I will speak more on these projects as they come into fruition at the first of the year and some even sooner than that. But, I hope you guys will stay tuned and follow me into the new year with high hopes and positive energy.


2019 Daily Crafts Series

Good Morning loves,

I have decided to incorporate more of an daily journal practice to my blog. I found a book that I really love. It is called: A Year and a Day of Everyday Witchcraft 366 Ways to Witchify Your LifeI purchased it off Amazon. This is not a sponsored blog, I just felt that this book was a must read.

I will be using this book as my inspiration for my daily bullet journal/grimoire. I normally try to find prompts or do a dear diary in my journal, but I think now is the time for me to incorporate a little more spirituality into my daily routine. I am looking to make 2019 my year of more holistic and spiritual studies. So I decided to go on a journey through the wheel of the year, work with some of my herbs, gemstones and reconnect more with my craft. For the next 365 days I will be trying  to find out more of what makes me who I am and what my journey in this life is supposed to be?

I will be posting from time to time my daily journal entries as I embark on my personal path. You guys are more than welcome to follow along with me or participate and go on a journey of your own. I know that a year is a long time for journaling series, but you do not have to do all days, jump in and out- do what applies to you. The book is dated so you can start anytime you get the book. You can look at where we are in the series or you can follow along privately. I just feel it is the perfect book to connect and steer you on your own personal path in witchcraft.

The Witches Moon Box

I have been constantly  watching  “The Witches Moon” instagram because they have some awesome boxes available for monthly subscriptions. I always seem to find good subscription boxes, but they are just not affordable for me at the moment.  When I saw “The Witches Root” Box ; I knew that one was for me, affordable and in my area of expertise.  It is focused more on the herbal aspect of witchcraft, which really appealed to my spidey senses …giggle.. I am so focused on herbs and holistic healing and wanted to include more potions, creams and herbal salves into my practice. As a novice gardener I want to know how to grow and process more herbs in my spiritual practice. So I will be bringing you the contents of this box monthly as I receive it. The box opened for ordering on December 1st 2018 and was $29.00 including shipping for US. They also ship international and to Canada for those prices you will need to check out their website:  TheWitches Moon  for more information. I am just on a mission to bring in more content that relates to me so stay tuned for January when I introduce my first ” The Witches Root Box”



Oh Hello Updates

Good Morning loves

If you have been following me on my instagram you know that I am now a PR girl for the OH, Hello Stationery Shop, it is a little exciting. They have so many good products, I bought my cactus travelers notebook from there and I have a travelers notebook case to go with it. They have everything from sticker kits, monthly box subscriptions to personalized Travelers notebooks. Could not have picked a better shop.

I think honestly by starting to be myself and be my own person, things are starting to look up. I guess it pays to be consistent. With all that being said I have not been as consistent on here, but that is going to be changing. I will be trying to deliver you weekly content. Just let me know what you want to see. I am thinking of adding video to my page as well. So it is up to you guys to tell me what type of content you want me to bring.

OhelloClick Here to shop  Don’t forget to use code Veronique10 for 10% off.

Supporting Small Business


We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.

“You don’t build a business, you build people, then people build the business.”


Romaine Lettuce Recall *info alert

Good Evening loves,

I have recently been alerted that we were not supposed to be eating romaine lettuce because it is now not safe to consume. The center for Disease Control and Prevention stated in a broad alert that there was a new outbreak of illness caused by a particularly dangerous type of E. coli contamination. The CDC told all consumers to throw away any romaine lettuce that may already have been purchased. That all Romaine should be avoided.

I think this is one of the perks of growing your own garden, you as a consumer know what you are placing in your body. Especially if you are doing it all organic.  Just thought I would post this as a word for the wise, if you are not growing your own food now, please start.

Lotus. Spirit

Keeping up with the Jones


I have to really get serious about my spending habits and about the issues that are running rampant (in my opinion) in the planner community. The concept that you must have everything you see. That you need a vast assortment of “pretty stickers”, dangling charms and multiple planners for planning “1” life is completely distorted. Although it may work for some people for me it is just a way to toss away money that I can never get back. Yes, it is pretty – I will not argue with that, but is it a necessity? I am in a time in my life where I have to weigh my wants vs. my needs. Planning has went completely left from my idea of functional planning. Some may agree with me and some may not, everyone is entitled to an opinion. Planning is more than just a pretty decorated page.

In 2019 I am trying to get back to the reason I started planning in the first place. As a place to track my health issues, detect medical trends and weight management. I have huge memory issues in connection with epilepsy so functional planning for me is necessary. I can honestly say I got swept up in the need to have it all and fell completely down the rabbit hole. I spent lots of money to buy the next best thing coming out in the community, but failed to realize that something new is always around the corner – it is a never-ending cycle.

So as I prepare for my next planner year. I will make sure that I use what I have in my stash, stop with the need to have it all. I still love stickers, and will buy them from time to time, but in moderation. I need to be content with my planning system and stop looking at everyone else’s as a better option. Make my system work for me! I have been in a push to move more into the art journal & creative writing arena anyway, that seems to be the niche where I want to plant my roots. So as I move forward you will see a lot more creative journals with a huge dash of gardening in my social media. I am getting back to the original reason I started planning in the first place. As of now my Instagram is loaded with different shops selling items and different planner pr girls/guys pushing products. So I know in the year to come a little bit of streamlining will have to happen to my social media. But for now I am completely exhausted with trying to “Keep up with the Jones”.



Updated Health Planner

Morning Loves,

I am coming to you feeling completely under the weather, but I had to discuss my updates that I have made to my planner where health is concerned. I used to have a complete section in my A5 ring planner for my health section. But, It was starting to be a chore to keep it up to date. It could have been because I am an at home spoonie and I did not have a lot of things outside of the home with the exceptions of doctors appointments that I needed to track and with it being a larger planner it just seemed as though I had the urge to fill the pages up with meaningless information and stickers.

Well, I have now condensed from an A5 rings to an B6 Travelers notebook and I seem to enjoy the smaller space. It makes it easier to document whats really going on and to use a little more creativity in displaying my information. I am currently looking into downsizing my ring planner to B6 ring planner as well. It just seems that smaller is better for me. It will allow me to put all things creative and my journals in my travelers notebook. This change will allow for me to put my health planners and home planning in my rings. Just thought I would give a small update that sometimes bigger is not always better.
